Hotel Technology News and Restaurant Technology News are the hospitality industry’s premier sources of information and insights related to technology innovation at top-performing hotels and restaurants. Our original reporting, research and opinion pieces reveal how forward-thinking
hotel and restaurant IT decision makers are upgrading their technology capabilities to improve operational performance and the quality of the guest experience, as well as to reduce waste and improve environmental sustainability, and how top solution providers are advancing the frontier on next-generation technologies. To help promote and recognize sustainability and eco-friendly practices in hotel and restaurant operations, both publications host an annual “Choice Awards for Environmental Good.”
Hotel Technology News and Restaurant Technology News rank in the #1 positions for organic Google search results for the terms “hotel technology” and “restaurant technology,” respectively, and for many related terms, as well, accounting for thousands of new website visitors and hundreds of new subscribers each month. The high visibility of these publications also ensures that client partner content is readily found by hospitality IT professionals in the market to make a technology-related purchase decision. Our publications have a global presence, informing and inspiring readers around the world.
We offer technology solution providers a range of opportunities, both paid and unpaid, to reach this narrowly-defined audience in a targeted and cost-effective manner. Tailored options include press release publication and distribution, sponsored viewpoints articles, banner ads, pop-up ads, and targeted email blasts (available only on a limited basis) to our opt-in subscriber base, with extended reach through our partner network.
Vendor-submitted press releases and paid articles are SEO- and mobile-optimized and hosted permanently on the publication websites. Paid articles are syndicated to multiple other channels where the content can be readily found by target prospects via relevant keyword searches as well as via our email newsletters, which reach more than 25,000 opt-in subscribers (mainly, hospitality IT decision makers).